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Tag: control

Articles tagged as Control

The Zero Point

Posted on January 16, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
The zero point is really a state of consciousness where no distance exists.Which means that the start exists within the finish, awareness exists with ignorance and power exists with impotence.The reason why that state is indeed powerful is because of the truth that healing, manifestation and empowerment may appear instantly.There is absolutely no pause between occasionally, because occasionally exist in exactly the same point...

Ghosts Subjected To Research

Posted on April 17, 2022 by Clifford Hagger
The term 'ghost' generically identifies numerous kinds of subtle (invisible) bodies such as for example demons, devils, witches, etc.who've the intention of harming others.The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has undertaken extensive research on ghosts to be able to demystify this widespread phenomenon and help people in recognising and treating the undesireable effects due to ghosts through proven methodology based on the Spiritual science...