Tag: objects
Articles tagged as Objects
Tips to Develop Telekinesis
Posted on December 18, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
Telekinesis may be the capability to move objects in one spot to another without physical contact.Put simply, moving things with will alone.Another name for telekinesis is psychokinesis.Telekinesis may also mean shaping things together with your mind or bending things such as for example spoons.The idea of telekinesis 's been around for a long time and contains been studied by many groups and also the military...
Ghosts and the Supernatural
Posted on July 27, 2022 by Clifford Hagger
The unseen and unfelt forces of ghosts and supernatural objects have been talked about for ages.The perplexity of the existence was doubted for ages, and the people seemed to believe that the folklore that's been told by their ancestors.Ghosts are believed to be the spirit or soul of a deceased person in the world.Supernatural, on the other hand, refers to forces and phenomena that are beyond ordinary scientific understanding...
Posted on April 9, 2022 by Clifford Hagger
Ghosts are said to be the apparitions of deceased men and women.A ghost is a spirit of a person who resides on the ground after death.Every culture on earth has folklore about ghosts.These disturbed spirits are unaware of being dead and stay attached to familiar places and repeat the exact acts as alive.Ghosts are generally portrayed in a human size and shape, but there have been theories that have declared their appearance in silvery, dark or fog-like forms...