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Tag: consciousness

Articles tagged as Consciousness

Understanding Etheric Curses

Posted on December 10, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
An Etheric Curse is really a energetic program that influences consciousness at anybody or all degrees of mind, body and spirit.The program works to deny specific experiences also to improve the perpetuation of others.What differentiates a curse from the normal pattern of habits and consciousness is that the curse has been installed to be able to perpetuate specific frequencies of energy, generally so the entity that placed the curse can draw on and utilize this energy...

Etheric Curses

Posted on October 9, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
A Etheric curse can be an energetic or Etheric implant that prevents consciousness from accessing particular paths of understanding.The very best curse may be the one which is unseen or hidden because lacking any knowing of these implants you will have no battle to remove or dissolve them.A curse is gets the depth to check out the power body from life alive.This Etheric code then instills and manifests the blueprint of the curse in to the physical body...

The Zero Point

Posted on September 16, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
The zero point is really a state of consciousness where no distance exists.Which means that the start exists within the finish, awareness exists with ignorance and power exists with impotence.The reason why that state is indeed powerful is because of the truth that healing, manifestation and empowerment may appear instantly.There is absolutely no pause between occasionally, because occasionally exist in exactly the same point...

Astral Consciousness

Posted on June 15, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
The Astral plane exists here and today simultaneously with the physical.Similarly, section of our consciousness is connecting to the astral the following and today.Understanding and experiencing this section of consciousness is focused on training your brain to understand it.Deeper degrees of projection simply require training of your brain to shift more energy in to the areas of consciousness which are already linked to the astral...

Chakra Balancing

Posted on May 3, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
The chakras are portal or structures that assist to channel and integrate subtle energies in to the physical body.Your body has 7 primary chakras but over 2000 secondary ones that assist to direct and contain the integrity of our 3 main elements - mind, body and spirit.Because the flow of the triad is definitely shifting, directed by our intent and consciousness, so too must the chakra system recalibrate and discover new points of balance which each shift...