Tag: person
Articles tagged as Person
Dowsing, Pyschic Phenomena or Practical Skill
Posted on November 6, 2024 by
Clifford Hagger
Dowsing is really a practical skill, and therefore only makes real sense used.Dowsing works on the context of a "muscular twitch".Much like buttoning a shirt, we train ourselves to respond in a specific way, to various items of information we pick from those that are actually passing by.On a bicycle for instance we react to data received by our eyes, as well as the balance detectors in the centre ear, and merge the info together to provide instructions to muscles all around the body, to both balance and and guide the movement to provide a reply...
Ghost Stories Help Us to Learn About the Paranormal World
Posted on March 24, 2023 by
Clifford Hagger
If you ever endured an individual experience with a ghost or you understand of any true ghost stories you will likely wish to know what sort of spirit, entity or energy was responsible.That is simpler to determine with a repetitive haunting than with a onetime sighting, but if you're very observant you ought to be in a position to narrow it down.Did the story or experience involve a genuine real 'live' ghost or was it similar to a recording, or even a poltergeist? There are a great number of paranormal phenomenon which are often recognised incorrectly as ghosts...
Ghosts Subjected To Research
Posted on February 17, 2023 by
Clifford Hagger
The term 'ghost' generically identifies numerous kinds of subtle (invisible) bodies such as for example demons, devils, witches, etc.who've the intention of harming others.The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has undertaken extensive research on ghosts to be able to demystify this widespread phenomenon and help people in recognising and treating the undesireable effects due to ghosts through proven methodology based on the Spiritual science...
Posted on May 9, 2022 by
Clifford Hagger
Ghosts are said to be the apparitions of deceased men and women.A ghost is a spirit of a person who resides on the ground after death.Every culture on earth has folklore about ghosts.These disturbed spirits are unaware of being dead and stay attached to familiar places and repeat the exact acts as alive.Ghosts are generally portrayed in a human size and shape, but there have been theories that have declared their appearance in silvery, dark or fog-like forms...