Getting to Know Ghosts from Coast to Coast
Posted on April 25, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
Ghosts are hot nowadays.Everywhere you look you can find shows about ghosts: Medium, Ghost Whsiperer, and reality shows like Ghost Hunters, Haunting Evidence, & most Haunted.Books concerning the paranormal regularly make the very best seller list.Why are we so captivated by ghosts? The existence of ghosts gives us hope that maybe death isn't the end.We are able to hope that people will undoubtedly be united with family members directly after we ouselves spread if we are able to note that ghosts linger here...
Can Ghosts Hurt You?
Posted on March 20, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
In the initial instance needless to say there needs to be an assumption that ghosts do exist inside our physical world.I for just one, am somebody who not merely believes in ghosts but I've actually seen some, and felt the current presence of others at several times in my own life.So for me personally it really is perfectly normal to assume that ghosts do exist.But think about people who don't think in ghosts - are they with the capacity of being hurt (assuming ghosts could hurt living people) by something they don't really have confidence in - well that is another assumption we shall make - that when ghosts were with the capacity of hurting people, they can whether or not or not these were believed in or not...
Ghost Stories Help Us to Learn About the Paranormal World
Posted on February 24, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
If you ever endured an individual experience with a ghost or you understand of any true ghost stories you will likely wish to know what sort of spirit, entity or energy was responsible.That is simpler to determine with a repetitive haunting than with a onetime sighting, but if you're very observant you ought to be in a position to narrow it down.Did the story or experience involve a genuine real 'live' ghost or was it similar to a recording, or even a poltergeist? There are a great number of paranormal phenomenon which are often recognised incorrectly as ghosts...
Ghosts Subjected To Research
Posted on January 17, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
The term 'ghost' generically identifies numerous kinds of subtle (invisible) bodies such as for example demons, devils, witches, etc.who've the intention of harming others.The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has undertaken extensive research on ghosts to be able to demystify this widespread phenomenon and help people in recognising and treating the undesireable effects due to ghosts through proven methodology based on the Spiritual science...
The Enfield Poltergeist
Posted on December 17, 2022 by Clifford Hagger
The Enfield Poltergeist has fascinated people and been the main topic of debate since reports of the poltergeist activity began to come in the national newspapers back the late nineteen seventies.Psychic researchers who spent months investigating the case obtained photographs and audio recordings of the poltergeist activity.They truly became firmly convinced that the Enfield Poltergeist was an authentic case of poltergeist infestation...