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Posted on September 22, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
A psychic can be an umbrella term used to spell it out an individual with paranormal abilities.Psychic powers have already been around since ancient times and also have been recognized to come in both Egyptian and Viking societies.Psychics could be clairvoyants, palm readers or mediums.Psychics can offer suggestions about all areas of an individuals life and tell them information regarding their lifes purpose...

The Guilds of Asharem

Posted on August 12, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
One of the places to review in the 5th layer of the astral will be the Guilds of Asharem.Entry to these guilds is allowed provided that the seeker includes love within their heart.Much like most places in the astral the keys to temples, guilds and masters will undoubtedly be found in the power of the seeker.The Guild of Asharem is an excellent place to start however because unlike other areas which require advanced transmutations of energy, the Asharem Guild simply requires that the inner motivation of the seeker is towards love and self-empowerment...

Astral Consciousness

Posted on July 15, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
The Astral plane exists here and today simultaneously with the physical.Similarly, section of our consciousness is connecting to the astral the following and today.Understanding and experiencing this section of consciousness is focused on training your brain to understand it.Deeper degrees of projection simply require training of your brain to shift more energy in to the areas of consciousness which are already linked to the astral...

Chakra Balancing

Posted on June 3, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
The chakras are portal or structures that assist to channel and integrate subtle energies in to the physical body.Your body has 7 primary chakras but over 2000 secondary ones that assist to direct and contain the integrity of our 3 main elements - mind, body and spirit.Because the flow of the triad is definitely shifting, directed by our intent and consciousness, so too must the chakra system recalibrate and discover new points of balance which each shift...

Does Anyone Except the Astrologer Ever Really Profit from having an Astrological Reading?

Posted on May 26, 2023 by Clifford Hagger
We can speak to individuals who don't mow the lawn without consulting their astrologer first also to those at another end of the spectrum who firmly declare they do not have confidence in astrology.What is based on between?There is not any doubt that the stars along with other heavenly bodies were in a particular configuration at the precise moment we were born.It had been certainly our "stamp" in creation but how could that affect our lives either minimally or dramatically? Well, some see astrology as a predictable climate of possibilities and probabilities...